How to know the types of plants in fresh water

Plants are really a great way to add beauty to any aquarium, especially living freshwater aquatic plants. Live aquarium plants are excellent for several reasons. They are bright in color, help take care of the aquarium, provide space for the fish to rest and hide and are alive. If you don’t want to take care of live plants, at least provide your fish with artificial plants. More care is needed with living aquatic plants, but they are more beneficial and rewarding in the long run.

As long as there is enough light and there are no herbivorous fish in the aquarium, keeping freshwater aquarium plants should not be a problem. Light plays an important role in photosynthesis, which is inherent in all plants and provides oxygen to the aquarium. Adequate lighting is important for a balanced plant aquarium.

Aquatic plants need a substrate to link their roots and nutrients to growth. Some plants may need additional nutrients for growth and better health. One of these substrates that can provide nutrients to aquatic plants is laterite, an iron-rich clay fertilizer with other micronutrients necessary for freshwater aquariums. Some plants may not need it and it depends on the type of plant and the nutrients that are already in your aquarium. The other natural nutrients needed are nitrates and phosphates and are usually already in your tank.

Also check the filter system available for your aquarium. Any system works as long as the filter does not generate very strong currents and tries to stay away from the gravel filters. There must be a balance between your filtration system, your aquatic plants and the number of fish in relation to the health of your aquarium. Additional fish can add wastes which also provide nutrients in tanks which the plants can absorb for their growth. At the same time, your filtration system can actually remove the nutrients your plants need.

Before planting, plan where you want the plants to be. One suggestion is to put larger plants in the back of your aquarium. Also keep in mind the number of plants you want to grow, their size and their growth rate. You still want to be able to see your fish. Some maintenance work includes pruning which can be done when your aquatic plants take control of your aquarium. However, freshwater aquarium plants can significantly improve the aesthetics of your aquarium. Try living aquatic plants instead of opting for artificial plastic plants.

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